ポラロイドフィルムの復活を目指す The Impossible Project2009年01月21日 00時00分00秒

スラッシュドット・ジャパン経由でEngadget経由で知ったのだが、The Impossible Projectという有志が新しいポラロイドフィルムの生産の準備をしているという。古いポラロイドカメラで使える新しいポラロイドフィルムを2010年には生産できることを目指しているらしい。
有志の手でポラロイドフィルム復活を目指すIMPOSSIBLEプロジェクト(Engadget Japanese)
The Impossible Project

We aim to re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010. We have acquired Polaroid's old equipment, factory and seek your support.

Polaroid is transforming itself from an analog Instant Film Production Company to a global Consumer Electronics and Digital Imaging company.

Production of analog Instant Film stopped in June 2008, closing the factories in Mexico (Instant Packfilm production) and the Netherlands (Instant Integral production).

Impossible b.v. has been founded with the concrete aim to re-invent and re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras. Therefore Impossible b.v. has acquired the complete film production equipment in Enschede (NL) from Polaroid, has signed a 10-year lease agreement on the factory building; and has engaged the most experienced team of Integral Film experts worldwide.

The Impossible mission is NOT to re-build Polaroid Integral film but (with the help of strategic partners) to develop a new product with new characteristics, consisting of new optimised components, produced with a streamlined modern setup. An innovative and fresh analog material, sold under a new brand name that perfectly will match the global re-positioning of Integral Films.

The Impossible Project


有志の手でポラロイドフィルム復活を目指すIMPOSSIBLEプロジェクト(Engadget Japanese)




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